Our Monthly Schedule


Update from ActiveSG

Dear Parents,

Kindly note that SportsSG have updated their entry and ticketing system for entry to swimming pools.

We have noticed slow entry to the pool since the system started earlier this week, which result in delay to the start of class for our students. To ensure smooth entry to the pool for your child's upcoming classes this weekend, kindly be take note of the following:

1. Entry Pass can be purchased from this website https://activesg.gov.sg/home

2. Purchase the passes for you and your child before reaching the pool.


4. You can use your child activeSG credit if you have linked your child's/ren account via the website

4. When at the pool, show the staff the following purchased pass on this page to enter the pool.

We seek you kind help on the above to ensure that your child's/ren lesson will not be delayed.

If you have any questions, you may also check with the swimming pool staff on the ground.


Team Oyougu Aquatics

Ticket purchase to pools

Hi everyone!

With effect from this Thursday 15 August, all students and parents will need to purchase swimming pool tickets via the ActiveSG website before attending lessons. You can purchase your tickets online at https://activesg.gov.sg/home.

Thank you for your support as always, we look forward to seeing you at the pool!